UNITED SIKHS Celebrates the Successful Launch of the Vaapsi Project...
At UNITED SIKHS, we believe education is key in empowering individuals, and to that end, we conduct education programs for youth members and adults that address their most critical needs. Our Community Education-Empowerment Division (CEED) focuses on but is not limited to health prevention and promotion initiatives such as diabetes prevention education, nutrition workshops, dental health workshops, assisting community members to get right health insurance for them, homework help for students, as well as legal ‘know your rights’ seminars for bullying prevention, employment discrimination, and hate crime prevention to name a few. As a community organization, UNITED SIKHS has over 10 years of extensive experience in addressing the community’s most crucial concerns. Staff members who work on CEED projects have the expertise and the community support required for executing projects successfully through all phases: research, design, implementation and evaluation. Our health projects are based out of our community center (Educare Center) in Richmond Hill, NY, and are supported by medical providers from the community who provide their insights, expertise and guidance. Youth projects are led by our Educare coordinator who has extended experience working with youth members of the community and who also supervises high school students who volunteer for health and education projects. Our Senior Staff Attorney works with youth members and youth volunteers on our Bullying Prevention Initiative program and conducts workshops on the topic.
UNITED SIKHS Celebrates the Successful Launch of the Vaapsi Project...
April 30, 2019 “Experience and Visit” Sri Darbar Sahib in Brampton...
Global Event Highlights Themes of Inclusion, Love, Understanding, Reconciliation and...
On the 15th October, 2107 UNITED SIKHS, in association with...